Life and Preachings
“I shall consider you blessed when you will renounce all attachments, conquer lust and palate: and getting rid of all impediments, serve God wholeheartedly and resort to the begging bowl (accept Sanyas).”
The above is the reply given by Sai Baba to Bapusaheb Jog who asked him why even after serving Baba for so many years, his mind was not calm and composed and why he failed in his efforts for self-realization. Sai Baba always laid stress on controlling pleasures of the senses, especially those of the sexual organ and the tongue. The tongue however has two functions- to taste the food and to speak. About tasting the food we have already discussed it previously and in the following let us see what Baba’s teaching was about speech.
In our scriptures, great stress is laid on ‘non-violence’ which means not to hurt anybody physically, mentally or by speech. Sai Baba had realized that of all above, harsh and scornful words hurt a person much more than physical or mental violence. Such cunning words are not easily forgotten and cannot be withdrawn also. Consequently they cause everlasting ill-feeling. Sai Baba, therefore, not only advised his devotees, “Not to speak cunningly to anyone so as to hurt him to the quick”, but also, said: “Let anybody speak hundreds of things against you, do not resent by giving any bitter reply. If you always tolerate such things, you will certainly be happy”, and to make sure that they did follow his advice, he said, “He who carps and cavils at others, pierces Me in the heart and injures Me but that suffers and endures, pleases Me most.”
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