Rudrabhishekam & Satyanarayan Vratam 2013


Rudrabhishekam & Satyanarayana Vratam 2013



It was held on Nov 9th 2013. Our Guru Sri Krishna Bhatt Varanasi garu from poughkeepsie performed these events.  

Below  is the program scheduled on that day.

  1. 9 am - Hall Open - Preparation and Setting up - Volunteers Time
  2. 9:30 - Rudrabhishekam Starts - Performed by Guru Ji
  3. 11:00 - Shiva Darshan & Abhishekam & Blessings and offerings with Prasadam.
  4. 11:30 - Satyanarayana Vratam Starts - Performed by Guruji and at individual slots
  5. 1:30 - Swamy Darshanam, offerings, Blessings with Prasadam.
  6. 1:30 - Lunch and Prasadam served






